Double Taxation Agreement Bangladesh: What It Means for Businesses

Bangladesh has been focusing on expanding its economy rapidly, which is why many foreign investors have been drawn to the country. However, taxation policies can be a concern for businesses looking to invest in the country. One of the ways to address this concern is through the double taxation agreement that Bangladesh has signed with several countries.

What is Double Taxation?

Double taxation occurs when two or more countries tax the same income or asset of a business or individual. This can significantly impact business revenues and profits. For example, if a business is taxed in its country of origin and then taxed again in Bangladesh, it may result in a significant decrease in overall earnings.

What is Double Taxation Agreement (DTA)?

A Double Taxation Agreement (DTA) is a treaty signed between two or more countries to avoid double taxation. The agreement ensures that businesses and individuals are not taxed twice, once in Bangladesh and then again in their home country, on the same income.

DTA agreements also help to promote bilateral trade and investment between countries by providing relief from double taxation. In addition, these agreements help to provide certainty and clarity for businesses regarding their tax liabilities.

How DTA Works in Bangladesh

Bangladesh currently has DTA agreements with over 39 countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, China, Japan, and Germany, among others. These agreements cover different forms of income, such as dividends, royalties, and capital gains.

For example, if a US-based company has a subsidiary in Bangladesh, the subsidiary will be taxed in Bangladesh on its income. The US-based parent company will not be taxed in Bangladesh as per the DTA agreement. Instead, it will only be taxed in the US, where the parent company is located. This helps to avoid double taxation and ensures that businesses are not taxed twice on the same income.

Benefits of DTA for Businesses

DTA agreements have several benefits for businesses looking to invest in Bangladesh. Some of these benefits include:

1. Avoidance of Double Taxation:

The primary benefit of DTA agreements is the avoidance of double taxation. By signing a DTA agreement, businesses can be confident that they will not be taxed twice, which can help to save significant amounts on tax liabilities.

2. Reduced Tax Rates:

DTA agreements also help to reduce tax rates for businesses. Some agreements offer lower tax rates than other countries` standard tax rates. This helps to promote investment and trade between countries.

3. Certainty and Clarity:

DTA agreements provide certainty and clarity for businesses regarding their tax liabilities. This can help to reduce the risk of disputes and legal issues.


In conclusion, the double taxation agreement that Bangladesh has signed with several countries is a significant step towards promoting investments, trade, and economic growth. The agreement helps to avoid double taxation and provides relief to businesses, which, in turn, helps to promote cross-border trade and investment. As Bangladesh continues to expand its economy, DTA agreements will continue to play a crucial role in attracting foreign investors and businesses.